$ pacman -noconfirm -S mingw-w64-x86_64-extra-cmake-modules make tar The libmongoc package is available on recent versions of Debian and Ubuntu. If you choose to install libmongoc from distribution packages, use the package manager to confirm the version being installed is sufficient for your needs. One advantage of installing libmongoc with a package manager is that its dependencies (including libbson) will be installed automatically. Several Linux distributions provide packages for libmongoc and its dependencies.

Install libmongoc with a Package Manager ¶ The MongoDB C Driver is continuously tested on a variety of platforms including: The following guide will step you through the process of downloading, building, and installing the current release of the MongoDB C Driver (libmongoc) and BSON library (libbson).

Installing the MongoDB C Driver (libmongoc) and BSON library (libbson) ¶